Springfield Taxi Accident Lawyer

As professional drivers, taxi operators must maintain a high level of care during the course of work. When these drivers contribute to an accident, they are liable for any resulting injuries. At Douglas, Haun & Heidemann, PC, we understand the complexities of accidents involving taxis. Our team of Springfield taxi accident lawyers can help you secure fair compensation so you can focus on recovery.

What Are Common Types of Taxi Accidents?

As a driver or pedestrian on the road, you should not have to worry about professional cab drivers causing an accident. However, taxis cause accidents on a regular basis. Some of the most common taxi accidents include:

  • Drivers running into a pedestrian crossing the street
  • Drivers contributing to a two-vehicle accident
  • Multiple-vehicle accidents, such as rear-endings
  • Drivers injuring a passenger in transit or at a stop (i.e., rolling over a passenger’s foot or contributing to a two-vehicle accident)
  • Passengers suffering injuries as the result of a poorly maintained taxi
  • Accidents caused by other drivers or hazardous conditions on the roads

Taxi passengers are not liable for accidents. Only drivers and other responsible parties will face financial liability in these cases. If multiple people were in a taxi at the time of the accident, each injured individual can file a claim against the driver or the company.

The Springfield personal injury attorneys at Douglas, Haun & Heidemann, PC are prepared to represent clients in any accident case involving taxis. Our firm represents injured passengers, taxi drivers, and pedestrians. We understand both the standards that professional drivers must adhere to as well as the numerous liability issues that can arise in this type of incident.

Springfield Taxi Accident Lawyers

Determining Fault in a Taxi Accident

Missouri’s pure comparative fault rule allows injured individuals to take action against anyone who shares responsibility for the accident. When our firm accepts a case, we look at all of the evidence and facts to find out what really happened.

Taxi drivers are not always fully liable for an accident. If a taxi driver is a company employee, the company may bear responsibility for driver negligence. In some cases, we find out that a manufacturing or maintenance defect contributed to an accident and must file a third-party product liability suit against the auto manufacturer. When other drivers hit taxis carrying passengers, the negligent driver may be accountable.

When it comes to determining liability in an accident, an experienced taxi accident attorney can help. At Douglas, Haun & Heidemann, PC, we will discover and pursue actions against anyone who shares responsibility for our clients’ injuries.

Insurance and Accidents Involving a Taxi

Insurance plays a role in every auto accident case. In addition to filing lawsuits against negligent parties, our firm handles insurance disputes. Taxi drivers and other drivers on the road must carry minimum liability insurance to cover the cost of injuries. We have years of experience negotiating with insurers to obtain settlements that follow the letter of the insurance policy. Insurance matters can be complex, and our team is prepared to negotiate a settlement or file a claim against insurers on our clients’ behalves.

How Can Speaking with a Springfield Taxi Accident Attorney Help?

After an accident involving a taxi, you may need a qualified Springfield car accident attorney to help you secure compensation to cover the costs of medical expenses, lost wages, future income, and pain and suffering. At Douglas, Haun & Heidemann, PC, we’ve been in business since 1912, and we have legacy of providing full-service legal support to clients involved in all types of accidents. We know that dealing with the aftermath of an accident causes stress and affects healing. Our attorneys want to make your recovery a little easier.

If you or a loved one has suffered in a taxi accident, reach out to our Springfield office today for a consultation.